I’m working on an exciting new project. Can’t give details yet, will soon, but it’s already paying dividends.
The musical director is Rachel Kaufman, and I learned a valuable lesson on our first day of working together. Rachel is a real pro and a passionate perfectionist. (She can play more instruments than you have fingers . . . unless you have 17 fingers.)
We’re both pretty strong personalities and pretty certain of our opinions.
That’s a recipe for conflict and hard feelings.
But what I learned is if you don’t let feelings get hard, conflict is a constructive thing.
We argued various fine points on the songs we were working together, and at the end of the session were both able to say, “It’s fun working with you.”
I’ve lost count of the times I’ve witnessed creative people lock horns, find themselves unable to unlock them and end up with a tainted relationship. But it is amazing how different the outcome can be when those same people can say, “I respect what you’re bringing, and I’m glad you brought it.”
OK. That’s it and that’s enough.
The musical director is Rachel Kaufman, and I learned a valuable lesson on our first day of working together. Rachel is a real pro and a passionate perfectionist. (She can play more instruments than you have fingers . . . unless you have 17 fingers.)
We’re both pretty strong personalities and pretty certain of our opinions.
That’s a recipe for conflict and hard feelings.
But what I learned is if you don’t let feelings get hard, conflict is a constructive thing.
We argued various fine points on the songs we were working together, and at the end of the session were both able to say, “It’s fun working with you.”
I’ve lost count of the times I’ve witnessed creative people lock horns, find themselves unable to unlock them and end up with a tainted relationship. But it is amazing how different the outcome can be when those same people can say, “I respect what you’re bringing, and I’m glad you brought it.”
OK. That’s it and that’s enough.